Use "privy|privies" in a sentence

1. What is the definition of Privy Councilship? What is the meaning of Privy Councilship? How do you use Privy Councilship in a sentence? What are synonyms for Privy Councilship?

2. 2 I wasn't privy to the negotiations.

3. • Some pit privies and septic fields adjacent to the lake are still in use.

4. 7 The privy fell forward, landing door-down.

5. 8 She spat into the grass outside the privy.

6. Gong farmer (also gongfermor, gongfermour, gong-fayer, gong-fower or gong scourer) was a term that entered use in Tudor England to describe someone who dug out and removed human excrement from privies and Cesspits.The word "gong" was used for both a privy and its contents

7. Conscience, noun [Latin , to know, to be privy to.]

8. Each campsite had an outdoor privy, rustic but clean.

9. Lurking on the sidelines, privy to family squabbles.

10. 4 Colby was privy to the committee's decisions.

11. 9 Each campsite had an outdoor privy, rustic but clean.

12. At succession, the privy council would name an heir, not parliament.

13. 10 He was sworn of the Privy Council in 190

14. Bog, or Bog-house, a privy as distinguished from a water-closet

15. In 1895 he became a genrō, and chairman of the Privy Council.

16. The new constitution, which the emperor promulgated on 11 February 1889, briefly mentioned the Privy Council in Chapter 4, Article 56: "The Privy Councilors shall, in accordance with the provisions for the organization of the Privy Council, deliberate upon important matters of State when they have been consulted by the Emperor."

17. 29 It is a soiled and puckered hem, the golden treasury's privy purse.

18. He was President of the Privy Council from 1893–94 and 1905–22.

19. 24 In July, for example, five Catholics were appointed to the Privy Council.

20. The Privy Council is claiming... the remnants who escaped are behind this

21. They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.

22. By order of the Privy Council, the bridge must be cleared immediately!

23. 5 She was not privy to any information contained in the letters.

24. 6 Only three people, including a policeman,[] will be privy to the facts.

25. 22 His access to patronage, too, was gained through privy Seal connections.

26. It is a soiled and puckered hem, the golden treasury's privy purse.

27. 17 Here he was, a civilian, suddenly being made privy to enormous affairs of state.

28. In the boarding house he had lived in there was a privy in the backyard.

29. They are also accountable to the Prime Minister through the Clerk of the Privy Council.

30. The Privy Council immediately proclaimed the Elector of Hanover King George I of England.

31. 16 Secondly, she would not be privy to any information contained in those letters.

32. At William's instructions, the Privy Council budgeted less than £30,000 for the coronation.

33. Apart from these constitutionally mandated functions the privy councillors also perform other duties.

34. 30 I was replacing a Framus flat-top, built like a brick privy.

35. 1 They were accused of being privy to the plot against the king.

36. 19 He recounted secret Privy Council discussions and acted as go-between in Anglican-dissenter negotiations.

37. 27 In the boarding house he had lived in there was a privy in the backyard.

38. At the very least I 'm privy to the richly flavorful lives of my clients .

39. Haven't you convinced the Privy Council to crown James of Scotland the next king?

40. Essex could not, unfortunately remain in the Privy Council while he is in Ireland.

41. Thus the persons bound by a fine are parties, privies, and strangers; the parties are either cognizors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation [*Christ Jesus is our Mediator]; the strangers are all other persons in the

42. Taking advantage of James's rebounding popularity, Charles invited him back onto the privy council in 1684.

43. In 1918, he gained a seat in the Privy Council of King Vajiravudh (or Rama VI).

44. Charles I was equally well disposed towards Salisbury and made him a privy councillor in 16

45. Burah [3], where the word Constitutionality was first taken under concern by the privy council

46. During the author's lifetime "The Privy Councillor" was translated into German, Slovak and Czech languages.

47. When things had settled, the Norwegian Privy Council was abolished—it assembled for the last time in 1537.

48. The Clerk of the Privy Council made deputy heads accountable for progress in all federal departments and agencies.

49. Deputy ministers are accountable to ministers and, through the clerk of the Privy Council, the prime minister.

50. 26 There are parts of my life, my dear Malcolm, that even you are not privy to.

51. 11 On the left was the privy, covered by a curtain which hung from a metal rod.

52. The Queen's consent was declared to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom on 14 March 2018.

53. Towards the end of World War II, he emerged from retirement to serve as a Privy Councilor.

54. 28 Another deportation order was served, and the case was taken before the privy Council in London.

55. Thus the persons bound by a fiue are parties, privies, and strangers; tlie parties are either the cogni- zors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation; tlie stran- gers are all other persons in the world

56. Thus the persons bound by a fiue are parties, privies, and strangers; tlie parties are either the cogni- zors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation; tlie stran- gers are all other persons in the

57. 23 The stone-lined privy pit was excavated a year ago by an archaeology field class from City College.

58. He is the longest serving current member of the Privy Council of Canada, just ahead of Prince Philip.

59. Again the king ordered that the list of the faculty’s censures be turned over to his Privy Council.

60. The stone-lined privy pit was excavated a year ago by an archaeology field class from City College.

61. 20 Why had he chosen to make Vicky privy to this most closely guarded secret, and not me?

62. Thus the persons bound by a fine are parties, privies, and strangers; the parties are either the cogni-zore or Cognizees; the privies are such as are In any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation; the strangers are all other persons in the world, except only the

63. Thus the persons bound by a fine are parties, privies, and strangers; the parties are either cognizors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation [*Christ Jesus is our Mediator]; the strangers are all other persons in the

64. Thus the persons bound by a fine are parties, privies, and strangers; the parties are either cognizors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation [*Christ Jesus is our Mediator]; the strangers are all other persons in the

65. Thus the persons bound by a fine are parties, privies, and strangers; the parties are either cognizors or Cognizees; the privies are such as are in any way related to those who levy the fine, and claim under them by any right of blood, or other right of representation [*Christ Jesus is our Mediator]; the strangers are all other persons in the

66. Following the birth of a male heir in 1775, Maria Carolina was admitted to the Privy Council.

67. Canning was appointed Paymaster of the Forces (and therefore to the Privy Council as well) in 1800.

68. 21 The Lord President of the Privy Council acting on behalf of the visitor rejected the petition.

69. 15 I was privy to all their discussions on Hardy, as both had known him during the First World War.

70. 14 Finally, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council hears appeals from a very limited number of overseas territories.

71. 13 On the front lines, the infantrymen were not privy to the intelligence part of the missions that we went on.

72. On 1 February 1587, Elizabeth signed the death warrant, and entrusted it to William Davison, a privy councillor.

73. On 9 July, from Kenninghall, Norfolk, she wrote to the privy council with orders for her proclamation as Edward's successor.

74. From the Court of Appeal, there is a right of appeal to Her Majesty in Council, i.e., the Privy Council in London.

75. On 4 October 140 when Henry's government was at its nadir, he finally became keeper of the Privy Seal.

76. Louis-François Verreycken (1588–1654) was Audiencier of the Brussels Privy Council and first secretary of the Brussels Council of State

77. Her second son, Arthur Pole, had a generally successful career as a courtier, becoming one of the six Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber.

78. The casket letters did not appear publicly until the Conference of 1568, although the Scottish privy council had seen them by December 1567.

79. Agriculture is not like defence - a matter of being privy to private information; it is splattered all over the journals.

80. Four days later, Boulton attended a meeting of the Privy Council, and was awarded a contract at the end of the month.